Vision and Passion

Vision and Passion

This debut issue of ROBOTIK UND PRODUKTION comes at a nostalgic time, just 6 months after the passing of the father of robotics, Joseph Engelberger. Thanks to Joe’s vision and passion, the robotics industry offers more opportunities now than ever before. Like Joe, I believe that companies who don’t automate successfully will be left behind in today’s competitive global marketplace. As robotics technology advances (such as the evolution toward collaborative robots), as costs come down, and as new applications are developed, robots are becoming a common automation solution, even for small and mid-sized manufacturers. In fact, the RIA recently announced that the North American robotics market set another growth record in 2015. What’s more, that record occurred along with falling U.S. unemployment, reinforcing the role of automation in helping manufacturers compete more effectively while growing their workforces, with more interesting and dynamic job opportunities in programming, installing, running, and maintaining robots. The future looks bright for robotics, thanks to an industry full of people who share Joe Engelberger’s vision and passion. I look forward to reading more in these pages about Germany’s contributions to the industry. Coincidentally, this year, Germany plays host to The Joseph Engelberger Robotics Awards, widely known as the most prestigious robotics honor. Held on June 21 in conjunction with Automatica in Munich, Germany, the awards carry special meaning this year for all of us who share the same drive that Joe carried with him throughout his life.

Jeff Burnstein,

president Robotic Industries Association RIA

Robotic Industries Association

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